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There are five 'Openings' around the perimeter of the site, some used existing features, others are drilled holes, but all have the identifying graphic surrounding them.

The site is founded on classification and order, now hidden under a veneer of chaos and neglect. 'Chaotic Cluster' will reflect this split-identity - whilst being essentially ordered the database will have its own quirks to reflect the old MSI days. For example: unusual field descriptions; ambiguous or subjective entries; and removed items.

The basis of 'Chaotic Cluster' will be a record of the physicality of items salvaged from the site. But this plain database will evolve to become a repository for some of the memories of people that loved this place and a source of inspiration for creative response.

'Spifire Shed'. In this shed near to the room where the museum's spitfire was once housed. I installed a squadron of paper spitfires. The planes seem to swarm like flies in a forgotten room as they act as spirits of the museum's 'lost' collection. Taking advantage of the shed's dilipidated state the planes shift in the breeze, catching the light that falls in shafts through the broken roof.

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