
2010 - 11

Ashland, Milton Keynes

Working with Denna Jones on the research and community engagement stage of a public art commission with the new community at Ashland, Milton Keynes.

The research phase is now complete and the realisation phase will start Summer 2011.

Download the project fold-out.

Hear Ashland here:

Penshurst Crescent | Newington Gate | Flexerne Crescent | SouthCott Way | Wraxhall Way | Ashland | Simpson | Grove Road | Groveway | A5 | Saile’s Piece | Saile’s Meadow | King’s Barn | King’s Brook | Hill Farm | Manor Farm | Groveway Farm | Groveway Stadium | Middle Field | Grand Union Canal | Marlborough Street | Saxon Street | Grand Junction Canal | V7 | V8 | H9 | Walden Hanmer Esq. | Sir Thomas Hanmer Bart. | John Goodman | John Sipthorpe | Cambel Goodman | Thomas Goodman | Robert Vincent Beckett Esq. | Tom Howden | James Barnes of Banbury | Mr Lickorish